Beautiful Alaska has an ugly problem: not only has it become a major drug smuggling route, it ranks near the top of per-capita drug use when compared to all other states. Alcoholism is a major problem as well as rising rates of methamphetamine and prescription drug abuse. Alaska residents are fortunate, however, in that the state of Alaska uses money collected from drug traffickers to pay for alcohol and drug rehabilitation and treatment programs.
Treatment centers may most often be found in larger cities like Juneau and Anchorage. These offer both inpatient and outpatient treatment programs as well as a variety of services ranging from intervention to detoxification to counseling. Facilities range from mental health centers to hospitals and other services for treatment of drug abuse and alcoholism located in Alaska. Some are privately run; others are public, and staffing, funding, and expertise will vary.
Be sure that any rehabilitation program you evaluate has experience and the proper facilities to treat your type of problem. Long-term abusers will require more intensive care than those being treated for a mild addiction. Some drug treatment centers focus solely on detoxification, the process of removing drug toxins from the body. Such detox centers may not offer a fully-rounded program of counseling, nutrition, family outreach, and wellness programs to rebuild the addict’s body and help him or her reintegrate into society.
Cost and location may be especially important in Alaska, where treatment may be concentrated in a limited number of cities and facilities. Do not let a lack of local alcohol or drug treatment programs stop you from seeking help. There are real advantages to going outside the local area. Often, addicts need to be completely removed from the environment that facilitated the drug or alcohol abuse. The stress of family life, work, or life in general may have triggered the desire to drink or reach for the pill bottle. Often, anxious and loving family and friends can enable a drug habit without realizing it. Inpatient care at a qualified drug treatment facility, in Alaska or perhaps elsewhere, offers a total break from the old habits.
A residential treatment center in Alaska or another state offers several other advantages to families and addicts. Often, drug or alcohol abuse has severe and long-term effects on the user’s body which require close monitoring and treatment, especially in the early phases of recovery. An inpatient program offers 24/7 close medical supervision, and a staff trained to deal with all of the possible complications which may arise from withdrawal. In addition, the all-important counseling required to help an addict confront his addiction and overcome it is available, in a supportive environment that nevertheless offers the “tough love” needed to keep a recovering addict on track.
Alaska, with its rampant drug and alcohol problems, is very aware of the need for adequate drug and alcohol treatment programs and is determined not to leave its citizens struggling alone. Seek help early for any suspected addiction. Even in Alaska, drug rehabilitation is just a phone call away.